دیوارهای شهرداری اردکان

Project details

In the concrete precast wall project of the Chah Afzal Terminal in Ardakan City, concrete precast walls with the Achaemenid soldier design were used. These walls, with their beautiful and modern design inspired by the ancient Persian culture and the carvings of Persepolis, have been utilized as separating and fencing walls. The HBS Precast Parts Production Department has not only focused on urban beautification in this project but has also paid attention to cultural contributions by proposing designs based on authentic Iranian culture, thus taking a step towards preserving the cultural identity of beloved Iran.

Another feature of this product is its double-sided decorative design, with the backside having a brick-like appearance, making the area behind the Chah Afzal Terminal in Ardakan more prominent and usable. This product, with its high durability and quick installation, was an ideal choice for this project. The project aimed to showcase a part of Iran’s rich history in the beautiful city of Ardakan, improve urban infrastructure, and enhance security and aesthetics.


Products Used in This Project

دیوار پیش ساخته بتنی آجرنما با نرده فلزی

Brick design wall + metal fence

In the construction of precast concrete walls, materials such as cement, aggregates, water, additives, and rebar are used. For the production of precast concrete walls, it is essential to use cement and aggregates that comply with the national standards of Iran. During the concrete pouring process in the precast wall mold, high-quality plasticizers should be used to achieve proper adhesion and ensure a smooth and polished finish.

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