Specialized Concrete Development Services

The Concrete Innovation Development Center of Hamyar Beton Shirkooh in Yazd provides specialized services aimed at enhancing and improving the properties of concrete. This initiative marks a significant step towards elevating the quality and durability of this vital material in the construction industry. Our specialized services include consultancy in the design and optimization of concrete mixtures, conducting training courses and specialized workshops for engineers and technicians, and providing innovative solutions to enhance the quality and performance of concrete.

In addition, we focus on research and development of High-Performance Concrete (HPC) and Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC), striving towards producing sustainable and environmentally friendly concretes. We introduce innovative additives to enhance the mechanical properties and durability of concrete.

Our services include prototyping and conducting field tests to evaluate concrete performance under real conditions, providing support and consultancy at various stages of civil projects, and transferring innovative technologies to the concrete industry. Collaboration with domestic and international universities and research centers is another part of our activities aimed at advancing knowledge and innovative technologies in the concrete industry.

Consultation and Training

Organizing specialized courses and workshops in the field of concrete

Offering specialized training courses for engineers, technicians, and students in the field of concrete technology and innovative construction methods.
For more information on specialized courses and workshops in the field of concrete, please feel free to contact us.
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Consultation on designing and optimizing concrete mixtures

Providing consultancy solutions for designing and optimizing concrete formulations to increase quality and efficiency.
For more information on consultancy services in designing and optimizing concrete mixtures, please contact us.
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Providing innovative solutions for improving the quality and durability of concrete

Consultation on the use of technologies and new materials to enhance the properties and durability of concrete.
For more information on innovative solutions to improve the quality and durability of concrete, please contact us.
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Research and development in concrete

Development of Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) and Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC)

Research and development of high-strength, durable concretes and self-compacting concretes that do not require vibration.
For more information on the development of Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) and Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC), please get in touch with us.
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Research in the field of sustainable and environmentally friendly concretes

Research on the production of sustainable concrete using recycled materials and reducing energy consumption and natural resources.
For more information on research in the field of sustainable and environmentally friendly concretes, please contact us.
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Investigation and development of novel concrete additives

Research and development of new additives to enhance the mechanical properties, durability, and efficiency of concrete.
For more information on the investigation and development of novel concrete additives, please contact us.
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Prototyping and field testing

Production and testing of various concrete samples

Preparation and production of concrete samples with various formulations, followed by laboratory and field testing.
For more information on the production and testing of various concrete samples, please contact us.
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Conducting field tests to evaluate the performance of concrete under real-world conditions.

Evaluating the behavior and performance of concrete in real-world projects and analyzing the results.
For more information on conducting field tests to evaluate the performance of concrete under real-world conditions, please contact us.
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Evaluation and optimization of new concrete formulations

Reviewing and analyzing test results and optimizing concrete mixtures to achieve the best performance.
For more information on evaluating and optimizing new concrete formulations, please contact us.
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Concrete project support

Providing consultancy services at various stages of construction projects.

Consultation on the design, implementation, and quality control of concrete in construction and civil engineering projects.
For more information on providing consultancy services at various stages of construction projects, please contact us.
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Assistance in optimizing concrete mix designs

Consultation on optimizing concrete mix designs to achieve desired properties.
For more information on assistance in optimizing concrete mix designs, please contact us.
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Supervision of the correct and proper execution of concrete projects

Providing supervisory services at various stages of concrete project execution to ensure quality and precision.
For more information on supervising the correct and proper execution of concrete projects, please contact us.
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Technology transfer and innovation

Identifying and introducing innovative technologies in the concrete industry

Researching and examining new and innovative technologies in the concrete industry and introducing them to companies and industry professionals.
For more information on identifying and introducing innovative technologies in the concrete industry, please contact us.
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Organizing scientific and technical events and seminars

Organizing conferences, seminars, and workshops to exchange knowledge and experiences.
For more information on organizing scientific and technical events and seminars, please contact us.
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Collaboration with universities and research centers for knowledge and technology exchange

Establishing scientific and research collaborations with domestic and international universities and research centers for knowledge exchange and the development of innovative technologies.
For more information on collaborating with universities and research centers for knowledge and technology exchange, please contact us.
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