Major Transformations of HBS Company


Introducing HBS Company: A Bright History in the Construction Industry

With over 15 years of distinguished experience in the construction and concrete industry, particularly in precast concrete walls, HBS Company has consistently strived to provide the best services to its clients, adhering to its core principles and values. We take pride in our identity and achievements, confidently stepping towards a brighter future.

Achieving the Status of a Knowledge-Based Company

HBS Company proudly announces its recent recognition as a knowledge-based company. This achievement symbolizes our commitment to innovation and progress in various fields of construction and building chemistry.

Expansion of Innovation and Building Chemistry Centers

As part of this major transformation, the Concrete Innovation and Development Center and the Building Chemistry Department have been added to our portfolio. These centers aim to enhance the quality and efficiency of our products by utilizing advanced technologies and contemporary knowledge.

CEO’s Message: Commitment to Improvement and Quality Enhancement

Engineer Hamidreza Hakimian, CEO of HBS, stated: “We have always pursued the improvement and enhancement of our products and services, and these changes reflect our commitment to this goal. We confidently step towards a brighter future. We believe that with these new transformations, we will be able to take significant steps towards the development of the concrete and construction industry in Iran and become a leader in this field. These changes not only set us on the path of growth and progress but also demonstrate our commitment to offering the best to our valued customers.”

Marketing Director’s Statement: A New and Challenging Path

Amirhossein Hakimian, the company’s Marketing Director, added: “These major changes will assist us in the main mission of the company, which is to innovate and improve the concrete and construction industry in Iran. We look to a future full of pride and progress. We extend special thanks to all the company’s engineers for their noble efforts on this path. These changes symbolize our determination and will to enter new fields and achieve higher goals. Our dream is to build a modern and sustainable society, which will become a reality with the joint efforts of all members of this big family. My friends, this is the beginning of a new and challenging path for us. Let’s move towards this new path with hope and motivation and create pride.”

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